
Ever Have That Drowning Feeling?

The beautiful thing about a blog is that it is a personal vent to the world. Through the medium of cyberspace, one can relate frustrations to no one in particular and to everyone in general. The weblog is a forum for expression, openness and self-disclosure.

That being said, I have had a frustrating week thus far. I stayed home from work yesterday because the little girl had the diaper rash to end the world. While home, I realized, to my horror, that I have a significant sized paper due on Thursday. No problem, me thinks to myself, I'll just stay up late the next couple of nights getting it done. However, this afternoon, as I was checking in on one of my online classes, I suddenly realized that I have another weekly assignment due--8 hours earlier this morning! Graciously, the professor gave me a day extension. So now, the time that I was going to devote to my writing assignment will have to be redirected--at least tonight--to finishing up my weekly work.

To my weblog reader faithful, lend me a sympathetic cyber-ear. Or mock me. (I'm really just trying to get my "comment" total up a bit...)

/end annoying self-disclosure


Anonymous said...

I'll lend you an apathetic ear

Jo said...

so sorry! i can relate.