
Newsflash: Young Earth Creationists Secure Release of Criminals

The nation is in an uproar today as Young Earth Creationists (YECs) succeed in a supreme court bid to release thousands of criminals from prison.

Thousands of rapists, murderers and other felons have had their convictions overturned, following a ruling that results of forensic science are inadmissible in a criminal trial.

The court case which led to the ruling was initiated by a popular YEC organisation, Evidence in Genesis (EiG). EiG strongly believes that science is totally unreliable at revealing past events.

"It is pure arrogance that a human scientist can presume to piece together the past," EiG spokesman Ken Bacon said in a media conference outside court. "The scientific method cannot be applied to historical events. By definition, science must be repeatable."

Prosecutors have come to depend heavily upon forensic science in the last few decades. Countless guilty verdicts have been secured through the scientific analysis of crime scenes and forensic evidence.

"Only God can reliably tell us about the past", commented Bacon. "Man's science is, at best, speculative and theoretical."

"How can you know that the past which you are analysing worked the same as our science lab today? That is the assumption forensic science makes, it is an utterly foolish and fallacious assumption. It is an evolutionary approach to science and we condemn it."

When asked about their success, Bacon said "This is a very pleasing result. It shows that we need to be careful how we view science, especially when it attempts to provide answers about past events which cannot be repeated."

Bacon told reporters that EiG has been motivated by this win to continue their campaign against "historical" or "origins" science. Their next aim is to remove the teaching of ancient history from public schools -- since much of ancient history depends upon scientific analysis of archeological finds.

Forensic scientists from the nation's leading criminology departments are planning to appeal the ruling.

- Ruuters

(thanks to jareth)


Anonymous said...

All I can say is... scary. And it makes me even more convinced that I shouldn't be a YEC.

Craig Schwarze said...

Ah, it's satire Josh...

Anonymous said...

Its about time. And, by the way craigs, you are a pompus idiot.